A Word From Stranger

As the dusky veil of evening descended upon the quiet road, a chill gripped the air, biting at the weary traveler’s skin. Winter’s icy fingers seemed to reach deeper into his bones with each step. Most people sought the warmth and comfort of home during these frigid nights, but for him, there was solace to…

The Old That Turned New

In the quiet hours of morning, as the first rays of sunlight gently caress the room, Manimatum stands tall by the ironing board, a serene smile gracing his lips. His fingers move with practiced precision, gliding over the fabric of his familiar white shirt. Each stroke is deliberate, and each crease is smoothed out with…

In Search Of Meaning

The sky is overcast, and the sun is sinking. The wind whips through my hair and inside my half-buttoned shirt, hitting me hard in the chest. When I look around, everything is green. The vibrant flowers of orange and yellow and red, flourishing in the midst of the green fields, are both eye-catching and peaceful…


Originally submitted on November 30th, 2022. It was selected as the winner for the Week 4. Click Himalayan Writing Retreat to read my story Also, you can see the pictorial visual art of the story below. Credit – Susanta Athokpam

NaNoWriMo HWR Writing prompts Day 29

First object  – A Tulsi plant Second object – A spectacle ……………………… “Didn’t I tell you to not play in the rain? Now bear it yourself.” grandma scolded me blowing a mouthful of air onto her spectacle. She has this beautiful frame with heavy black rims to correct a slight hyperopia. Otherwise, she is all…

NaNoWriMo HWR Writing prompts Day 28

It has been confirmed that it was the same place, the place which has numerous similar stories. An elderly woman told our reporter that until the old wooden hanging bridge was replaced with a new steel and concrete cable-stayed bridge, it was the only bridge connecting the two villages. According to locals, this is the…

NaNoWriMo HWR Writing prompts Day 24

“What exactly was it?” I open my eyes and hear that familiar sound. It’s 3 a.m., which is known as the devil’s hour. I’m confused, sweaty, and jittery, and the light has gone out. This is a sound I haven’t heard in a long time. It makes me feel uneasy. Last time, it was that…

When I looked back at the year 2019

I could see almost everyone in my contact list uploading pictures and videos of celebration, wishing goodbye to the year 2019 and eagerly waiting to welcome 2020. And here I am, sitting on my table, with a tablet and a laptop, a diary and a pen and some books beside me. I do not know…

Welcoming the New Year 2018 with the beautiful memories.

2017 was a year filled with good and happy memories. In the first week of January itself, I got a job. Which I thought was a good luck sign for the rest of the year. I met new friends and spent quality time with the old ones. Some friends got married, but they are still…

First Day at School

The first day at school is always a special memory. It is really so special because some memorable incident might have happened to almost everyone, and as a result, it stays as a memory. But we never had that feeling that it would one day be so special that we would never regret remembering it…